online :: here
by telephone :: 09 225 01 01 (TicketsGent)
16 euro :: regular ticket
10 euro :: reduction ticket students, unemployed, persons with disabilities (EDC) and their companion
8 euro :: -18 years
5 euro :: ticket price for CinéRABOT
It can happen that the entrance fee doesn’t match the above ticket prices. In that rare case, the correct price is specified by the activity and on the booking form.
KOPERGIETERY accepts UiTPaS Gent: www.uitpas.be
Find the corona measures here.
The box office opens 45 min. before the performance starts. Reserved tickets can be picked up and payed there. If there are still seats available, you can also buy single tickets on the spot. Reserved tickets must be collected at least 15 min. before the performance starts. KOPERGIETERY reserves the right to resell tickets that are not collected in time.
When a performance is fully booked, we open a 'waiting list'. You can call us (during office hours) to put your name on the list. Or you can just come over to the box office (preferably 15 min. before the performance starts). The reserved tickets that aren't collected in time, will be made available to the people of the 'waiting list'.
KOPERGIETERY suggests a minimum age for most performances.
6+ means that the activity is suitable for everyone from 6 years on.
Please respect these minima and do not bring younger children. The age limit of a performance is made in consultation with the director/actors, and enhances both the performance as the audience's viewing experience.
KOPERGIETERY does not allow babies into the theatre hall.