RE:Dress (All Greeks)

RE:Dress (All Greeks)
Previous dates
The fate of Iphigenia in a new dress
Before or after your visit to the voting booth, come and catch a Greek tragedy at the Children's Rights Square! KOPERGIETERY participates in NTGent's free city festival ‘All Greeks’, where every day in open air a brand new Greek tragedy is born, as a recurring ritual for and by the city.
On 9 June at 11am, KOPERGIETERY provides a retelling of Iphigenia, the Greek princess who was meant to be sacrificed by her own father during the mythical Greco-Trojan War. Will it be a wedding or a funeral after all? Step into the shoes of Iphigenea and come and find out for yourself. Together with young people from the theatre workshops of KOPERGIETERY, Iphigenea forms a sounding board for the voice of innocence.
-- free, no reservations --
-- location: Kinderrechtenplein (Lievekaai 12)
CONCEPT, TEXT, PLAY: Axelle Verkempinck
PLAY AND MUSIC: Giovanni Baudonck, Bart Maris, Lieven Van der Haven, Ella-Afia Verbrugge, Gloria Callebaut, Jeanne Peeraer, Maria Acosta and other youngsters from the KOPERGIETERY theatre workshops